Hatha yoga: Losen up at your desk
Laura Holon
Video 1 chapter
05:55 min

Your body reacts to stress. A stiff neck, a headache, a clenched jaw, tight shoulders… Tense muscles rob you of energy and make you feel tired as tension aggravates blood flow, and decreased blood flow means less energy. This sequence of simple movements, led by Hatha yoga teacher Laura Holon, will set you free. And what’s best: you can apply them anytime, anywhere, even when sitting at your desk. All you’ll need is a chair.

Who Is It For?
  • Those who want to relieve stress while at work
  • People who need to loosen up before a meeting or presentation
  • Anyone who needs to strengthen their focus
Video 1 chapter
05:55 min

Your body reacts to stress. A stiff neck, a headache, a clenched jaw, tight shoulders… Tense muscles rob you of energy and make you feel tired as tension aggravates blood flow, and decreased blood flow means less energy. This sequence of simple movements, led by Hatha yoga teacher Laura Holon, will set you free. And what’s best: you can apply them anytime, anywhere, even when sitting at your desk. All you’ll need is a chair.

Who Is It For?
  • Those who want to relieve stress while at work
  • People who need to loosen up before a meeting or presentation
  • Anyone who needs to strengthen their focus
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Mobility: Loosen up your shoulders
Chris Hettinga
01 Loosen up at work with desk yoga
05:55 min
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