How to create your own still room
Video 8 chapters
32:00 min

Do you ever practice stillness? It’s not only about meditation, but finding a place to shut out the chaos of the outside world, and just be – by yourself, reflecting inward and resting. Cédric Etienne, an interior architect and curator of stillness, describes it as a basic human need. One that, in modern life, has been all but forgotten. Here, he will talk you through the huge health benefits of stillness, its place in history, and how to create your very own still room.

Who Is It For?
  • Anyone who needs respite from their busy schedule
  • Those who have lost focus and need to recenter
  • People who are interested in self-reflection and personal growth
Video 8 chapters
32:00 min

Do you ever practice stillness? It’s not only about meditation, but finding a place to shut out the chaos of the outside world, and just be – by yourself, reflecting inward and resting. Cédric Etienne, an interior architect and curator of stillness, describes it as a basic human need. One that, in modern life, has been all but forgotten. Here, he will talk you through the huge health benefits of stillness, its place in history, and how to create your very own still room.

Who Is It For?
  • Anyone who needs respite from their busy schedule
  • Those who have lost focus and need to recenter
  • People who are interested in self-reflection and personal growth
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Meet Your Expert
Cédric Etienne
Curator of stillness
Cédric Etienne

Cédric Etienne is an interior architect, scenographer, and curator of stillness. He is also the founder of Studio Corkinho, a multi-disciplinary design practice based in Antwerp, where he lives. After a previous career in the fast-paced creative industry working with luxury brands and high-end clients, Cédric felt overwhelmed and left for a silent retreat in Japan. It was there that he discovered stillness, and the role architecture plays in promoting wellbeing. He also fell in love with cork, and integrates this natural, sustainable material in much of his work, such as in still rooms, which he creates for private and corporate clients.

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